DOS Dual pump Fluid Dosing System

3.719,00 kr.

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En multi-purpose dosering og flydende levering system for kompromisløs kvalitet kombineret med enkelheden i Apex Fusion software guider til operationer såsom:
2-stemmigt Dosering (Calcium og alkalinitet)
Andre Tilsætningsstoffer Dosering
Automatisk Vand Ændringer
MicroMængde dosering
Tilsætning af alle flydene medier


Så her er hvad dos KAN GØRE:

DOS er en multi-purpose Dosering og Fluid Metering System. DOS sluttes til enhver Apex via Aquabus forbindelse. Den sande alsidighed og funktionalitet af DOS kommer til live via software guider indbygget i Apex Fusion. Dette tager dosering til et helt nyt niveau med hensyn til brugervenlighed samt funktionalitet i forhold til enkeltstående doseringssystemer fordi DOS er en del af din Apex økosystem. Ikke alene kan du integrere den i andre aktiviteter og enheder, du har konfigureret, men vi vil også fortsætte med at udvide sine evner som tiden går via softwareopdateringer til Apex Fusion.


De # 1 grund til at folk køber et doseringssystem til deres akvarier er konsekvent og let dosering af 2-delte løsninger (calcium og alkalinitet) til deres reef tanke. Den mest almindelige metode til at gøre dette i dag er at bruge enkeltstående doseringspumper og køre dem på en timer ved hjælp af sekunder eller minutter at afgøre, hvor meget at dosere.

Vand skifte – den evige opgave
Hader du at skifte vand ? – Alle gør – så de aldrig får gjort så ofte som de burde. Ikke kun det, større vand skifte er forstyrrende for stabiliteten af ​​dit system, da alle, at forandring sker på én gang.gør det jævnt med DOS

Hvis du har brug for at dosere små mængder af en bestemt løsning, element eller anden væske (gerne vodka dosering eller Zeovit systemer), DOS er den perfekte løsning på grund af sin præcision styret stepmotor. Denne evne til at kontrollere pumpens bevægelse i sådan en raffineret måde betyder, at du kan dosere helt ned til 0,1 ml ad gangen!


When it comes to dosing, it all starts with the peristaltic pump.First, lets talk about the pump hardware. Be aware that not all dosing pumps are built alike. Well, lets clarify that. Almost all OTHER dosing pumps are alike – But most ALL OTHERS are very different from the DŌS.




Nearly all dosing  systems on the market today use a standard, DC brush-driven motor. Why? Because it is economical. This is the same motor you might find in your child’s toy car. We thought that was just not adequate for an aquarium where you might have thousands of dollars invested.  So, we spent over a year searching and testing pumps and motors and decided on using a pumps with industrial grade stepper motors in the DŌS – the same type of motors used in high end robotics, 3D printing, and medical equipment. So, why does it matter?




With the stepper motor pumps on the DŌS, you have precise control each time you dose. And, you are guaranteed it will stay calibrated pretty much forever. On the other hand, with the standard DC motor pump found in most dosing systems, it cannot dose small quantities with ongoing accuracy and consistency. They also require ongoing calibration to account for the wear of the motor and the mechanisms. When pumps fall out of calibration, they dose either too much or too little – never a good thing considering an overdose to a tank will often be its demise.



One of the great features of the stepper motors on the DŌS pumps is that they can be driven at various speeds depending on the purpose for which they are being used. For instance, dosing of vodka may require the slowest possible rotation while a water change use requires a much higher pump speed. The best part is that Apex Fusion wizards automatically select the proper speed based on the use and because of the stepper motor, accuracy is not compromised even at the higher speeds.



The DŌS uses a direct drive mechanism that will not slip, it will not strip, it will not grind to a halt.  On the other hand, many other peristaltic dosing pumps used for aquariums have gears that can (and do) strip. Or, worse yet, some pumps work by using the friction of rubber rollers on the smooth metal motor shaft to make the pump spin. Foreign matter like salt creep, additives, etc. often get into the drive mechanisms of these pumps and make them fail or pump unknown amounts.



The stepper-motor in the DŌS has a MTBF (mean time before failure) of 5000 hours. Other systems with brush-driven DC motor pumps have lifespans measured of just a few hundred hours of use. This means the pumps on the DŌS may have up to as much as 12x the lifespan of others.



Leak proof fittings are very important, not just because of the possibility of leaking fluid, but also because the leaking of air into a line would cause the pump not to meter the correct amounts.  The pumps on the DŌS have sure-fit compression fittings that are virtually leak-proof. Contrast this to other dosing systems on the market that still use dual-barbed fittings that commonly split the tubing and cause leakage of fluids or air.



 Larger size tubing means that your pump does not have to work nearly as hard – or stay on for longer cycles. The most popular dosing pumps on the market use tube fittings with the tiny diameter of 1.67mm. The DŌS uses much larger tubing and fittings. In fact, at 3.33mm in diameter, the pump on the DŌS can handle 4x the flow of the most common pump style on the market (pictured).  This means that your pump (and motor) will run 1/4 the time to pump the same amount of fluid. Less run time means less wear on the pump mechanism, tubing and motor and extends your dosing pump’s life. Larger diameter fittings also eliminate clogging – a common issue when dosing various elements like Calcium, Alkalinity, or Kalkwasser on smaller tubing pumps.


Though nearly all interaction with the DŌS will be done through the graphical user interface on Apex Fusion, there still is a need simplified user interface on the DŌS itself. This is accomplished using a multicolor indicator for each pump to show its status as well a button to be used for priming the pump or for use during a calibration process.



The DŌS easily connects to your existing Apex System via an AquaBus cable.  All configuration and control of your DŌS is done through the Apex Fusion interface on your phone, tablet, or computer from at home or anywhere in the world! And, because there are two AquaBus connections, you can daisy-chain up to 10 DŌS systems together.



The DŌS has an accessory port that will enable it to be connected to an upcoming optional accessories like the DDR – Dual DŌS Reservoir. This accessory has two separate 2-liter cylinders for holding your additives. It also has optical sensors at the bottom that tell the Apex when it is time to refill and it then can send you an email or text alert. Another optional accessory will be a set of two optical level sensors you can install in the water change vessel (jug/rubbermaid/brute) of your choice.


We understand that aquariums are supposed to be serene. And noisy pumps often ruin that mood. So our engineering team has taken extensive steps both in how the pump operates as well as the enclosure design to ensure that the DŌS system is one of (if not) the quietest dosing systems on the market for the fluid volumes it delivers.




The DŌS was designed to compliment your aquarium – not just be a box that holds pumps. Its attractive enclosure has the pumps  rotated at an outward angle to allow for the tubing to be routed with no chance of kinking, even when placed on a shelf. The DŌS are also designed for stacking and they can be daisy-chained together via the AquaBus ports.

Even when stacked, all tubing can be easily routed kink-free. For those that prefer a wall mount, the DŌS has easy to use slots in the back so you can attach it to a wall or to the inside of your aquarium cabinet. With the exterior design, component selection, and software functionality, the DŌS communicates how much total effort we have put into this product to raise the bar not only for dosing systems, but for premium aquarium products overall.

In a nutshell using the DŌS is as simple as telling the Apex Fusion DŌS wizard how much fluid (in ml) you want to pump, and over what time you would like it to happen. The DŌS takes it from there and figures out what speed to run the pump and the exact amount of fluid will be dispensed over that timeframe.



Size (Approx.): 9.5″ x 5″ x 5″
Weight (Approx.):  4 pounds
Lift Height: 24 feet (minimum at MSL)
Suction Height: 24 feet
Flow Rate: Variable (0.1ml – 250ml/min)
Power Requirement:  110/120V or 220/240V
Requires:  Apex, Apex Lite, or Apex Jr.


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